- Publisher of “Second Step” SEL curriculum https://www.secondstep.org/
- In a 2020 policy brief entitled, “SEL and Racial Equity” suggested five “policy areas to promote racial equity in K-12 education”, including “Culturally Responsive Teaching” and “Anti-Racist Education”. https://www.cfchildren.org/wp-content/uploads/policy-advocacy/sel-and-racial-equity-policy-paper.pdf
- Under the heading, “Anti-Racism and Anti-Bias Resources,” the Second Step website points to CASEL’s “Transformative SEL” https://www.secondstep.org/anti-racism-and-anti-bias-resources
- Provides various Second Step “alignment charts” to “align” Second Step programs with the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Learning for Justice “direct instruction on identity, diversity, justice, and action” https://cfccdn.blob.core.windows.net/static/pdf/alignment-charts/second-step-k12-teaching-tolerance-alignment-chart.pdf
- https://www.cfchildren.org/